Shaniek lost 51 pounds. She did her research on several eating methods, created her own diet plan, and worked out at least five days a week. Her goal is to be her healthiest self for her daughter, who is her biggest supporter.

What is your motivation?

My daughter is my biggest supporter and my source of motivation. I have to be my best and healthiest self for her and for me.

How did you change your eating habits?

I designed a program that worked for me. I did a lot of research on Keto, intermittent fasting, and carb cycling.


I reduced/cut my intake of processed sugar. I increased my fiber intake and drank more water(at least 3 liters per day). I also meal prepped all my meals.

What did your workout routine consist of?

I do a mixture of cardio, bodyweight exercises, resistance exercises, and a lot of walking (especially uphill). I worked out (and still work out) at least five days per week.

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?

My starting weight was 190 pounds, and my current weight is 139 pounds.

What is your height??


When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take?

I started my journey in 2017, after having my daughter. I weighed 230 pounds when she was born.

I lost 50 pounds. Then regained some of the weight. I decided to get serious in November 2018. I started my real, no looking back journey on January 1, 2019. My transformation took a year and is still a work in progress.

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?

No weight loss surgery or dietary supplements.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?

The biggest lesson I learned is that I am human, and I should not be so hard on myself.

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?

Celebrate small and all victories. Live! Enjoy the journey! Celebrate yourself and your body and what it can do. Weight loss comes down to how much you want it.

Instagram: @shan.efit