Jessica lost 44 pounds. Although she was an athlete for many years, she gained a significant amount of weight after she got married. Feeling insecure and depressed, she decided to make some lifestyle changes and get back to the fit and healthy version of self she knew before.

What was your motivation?


I used to be an athlete. I played basketball and had been in shape all my life. However, once I got married, I gained SO much weight. I was insecure and depressed.


One day, I looked in the mirror and didn’t even realize who I was anymore. I decided to change my life and get back to the original me, the person I was once before. Today, it is still a journey, but I’m not looking back.


How did you change your eating habits?


I gave up sweets, bread, pasta, and sodas (which was very hard). I started eating low carb foods and limiting myself to fish, chicken, vegetables, and salads. To assist me with my weight loss journey, I became a TLS Wellness Coach, and I take TLS supplements (Transitional Lifestyle Systems). I am a product of the brand.


What did your workout routine consist of? How often did you work out?


I work out with a personal trainer three days a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for 1 hour. My routine consists mainly of full-body workouts as I am trying to lower my BMI. On the weekends, when I am not in the gym, I go walking with my kids, running in the park, or work out in my home gym.


What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?


My starting weight was 240 pounds, and now I weigh 196 pounds. I am trying to reach a goal weight of 165 pounds.


What is your height?


I am 5’7″.


When did you start your journey? How long did your transformation take?


I started my journey in January 2019. However, I didn’t become persistent until June 2020.


Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?


I never had surgery.


What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?


The biggest lesson I have learned so far is that we are the ones that are holding us back from things we want to accomplish. We just have to push through our fears and realize that at the end of the day, we control our destiny and happiness…not anyone else.


What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?


My advice is to take the time to love yourself fully and wholeheartedly. Many times, we get so consumed in taking care of kids and a husband, we totally forget to take care of us.


Instagram: @girlboss_nutrition